Morningstar Blog

Building a Relationship with a Single Herb

Building a Relationship with a Single Herb

The Power of Simplicity In a culture that often equates complexity with effectiveness, herbalism offers a refreshing counterpoint: sometimes, the most powerful medicine is the simplest. While well-crafted formulas absolutely...

Building a Relationship with a Single Herb

The Power of Simplicity In a culture that often equates complexity with effectiveness, herbalism offers a refreshing counterpoint: sometimes, the most powerful medicine is the simplest. While well-crafted formulas absolutely...

Why Herbalism Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All

Why Herbalism Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All

Understanding Tissue States We live in a world, no matter how hard we try to counter it, where everything moves fast—quick fixes, symptom suppression, magic pills, the “take this for...

Why Herbalism Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All

Understanding Tissue States We live in a world, no matter how hard we try to counter it, where everything moves fast—quick fixes, symptom suppression, magic pills, the “take this for...

The Glittery Mirage: My Journey from Shimmering Cosmetics to Concern Over Edible Mica

The Glittery Mirage: My Journey from Shimmering...

When I first began crafting my own cosmetics, circa 2014, I was captivated by the allure of pearlescent shimmers. Some of you may recall my Goddess Glow line from Basic...

The Glittery Mirage: My Journey from Shimmering...

When I first began crafting my own cosmetics, circa 2014, I was captivated by the allure of pearlescent shimmers. Some of you may recall my Goddess Glow line from Basic...

Spagyric Tinctures

Spagyric Tinctures

A spagyric tincture prepared with the philosophical principles of spagyric alchemy holds the potential to facilitate transformative changes in consciousness through a holistic approach to plant medicine. The tria prima—sulfur,...

Spagyric Tinctures

A spagyric tincture prepared with the philosophical principles of spagyric alchemy holds the potential to facilitate transformative changes in consciousness through a holistic approach to plant medicine. The tria prima—sulfur,...

Spagyric Alchemy: Quintessence

Spagyric Alchemy: Quintessence

Within spagyric alchemy, the concept of quintessence emerges as a sublime and ethereal essence, representing the culmination of transformative processes. As alchemists sought to distill the purest essence from their...

Spagyric Alchemy: Quintessence

Within spagyric alchemy, the concept of quintessence emerges as a sublime and ethereal essence, representing the culmination of transformative processes. As alchemists sought to distill the purest essence from their...

Spagyric Alchemy: Salt

Spagyric Alchemy: Salt

In spagyric alchemy, the salt principle stands as a symbol of stability, grounding, and crystallization. As alchemists sought to unravel the secrets of transformation, the corporeal and earthly nature of...

Spagyric Alchemy: Salt

In spagyric alchemy, the salt principle stands as a symbol of stability, grounding, and crystallization. As alchemists sought to unravel the secrets of transformation, the corporeal and earthly nature of...